
We are deeply grateful for all the people who keep the theatre going!

A huge thanks to our donors; Joanne Riddick, Carl Struck, Felicity Fonseca, Patti Sure, Kate Russell, Fatima Van Hattum, Beth Davenport, Andrea Szekeres, Sam Orr,  DJ Ogren, Harold and Denise Ogren, PMI Janitorial, Regan Walk, Hillary Cushing-Murry, Gene Harrel and all of you who have attended our shows and benefits and classes.

Thanks to the foundations that fund our projects: The Brabson Foundation,, The Sheila Fortune Foundation, The McCune Charitable Foundation .

Thank you to our youth outreach teachers: Freyr Marie, Kayo Muller, Alessandra Ogren, Rebekah Tarin, Marlo Winter.

Thank you also to our partner organizations:,Wise Fool New Mexico, Moving Arts Española, Sugar Nymphs Bistro, Espanola Valley Schools, Peñasco Independant Schools

Thank you to PPC solar for helping us generate our own power!! and the for the REAP grant.

and thank you to all our past artist in residence, students and parents of students who make what we do matter!