Quiver & Tempt Society (QTS) is a queer burlesque troupe based in O’gah Po’Geh, the unceded Tewa territory colonially known as Santa Fe, NM. Our mission is to provide queer community space to celebrate sex, kink, and our own bodies, with an intersectional lens. At our shows and workshops, we strip away the cisheteronormative standards about how queer bodies should feel and look, re-envisioning ourselves through the art of the tease.

Our weekend resiQuiver & Tempt Society (QTS) is a queer burlesque troupe based in O’gah Po’Geh, the unceded Tewa territory colonially known as Santa Fe, NM. Our mission is to provide queer community space to celebrate sex, kink, and our own bodies, with an intersectional lens. At our shows and workshops, we strip away the cisheteronormative standards about how queer bodies should feel and look, re-envisioning ourselves through the art of the tease.

Our weekend residency was a deep dive opportunity to develop our art, sharpen our craft, explore new expressions, and develop stronger relationships to each other. Workshop offerings ranged from movement to act creation to troupe values. We benefited greatly from the immersion experience to really drop in. It was delightful to share meals, sleep over, laugh, play, and cry. We took risks together. Our time at the theater was a collective gift.

Thanks to Alessandra and Rafa for being phenomenal hosts!dency was a deep dive opportunity to